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Do you have a hidden collection? No, I'm not talking about that stash of clearance Halloween candy in your dresser. I'm talking about not realizing you collect something.

Do you have a secret collection? No, I'm not talking about that stash of clearance Halloween candy in your dresser. I'm talking about not realizing you collect something. Typically if you have more than 3-5 of an item and can't list a specific, different purpose for EACH item (i.e these shoes are sandals for summer, my winter boots, and dress shoes), or a reason for needing multiple at one time (i.e 2 spatulas for when I do batch cooking and don't wat to mix meatloaf and banana bread batter), then you have a hidden collection!

“If you have more than 3-5 of an item and can't list a specific, different purpose for EACH item, or a reason for needing multiple at one time, then you have a hidden collection.”

Let me start by saying having collections are not inherently bad! Some types of people are naturally drawn to having variety/options and being able to mix things up. It brings great joy and fun to their lives- which is great.

Our culture has really started to push that the gold standard for organization, order, and home care is minimalism (and there's definitely a reason for that! I'll have whole blog posts on minimalism, what's great about it, what isn't as much and how to know if it's right for you, coming up. So stay tuned!)

Yet, with minimalism comes saying goodbye to collections- hidden or otherwise -and this can make it easy to judge each other for having too much or too little of something. Thankfully, there is a greater realization that minimalism is more about being intentional about why you have something, and how much you own, rather than some magic one-size-fits-all standard of what or how much to own.

Bottom line, become aware of what you have and be intentional about what you keep!

Quick Start Tip: Take a minute to see what hidden collections you have hiding in your home. Are they something you just accumulated and don't bring any added joy or utility? Then let them go, and make room for things you really do love and need.
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