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The Strong Mother Program

A Strong Mother knows that there is a difference between what is good and what is better, and is always striving to be her best.


She doesn't berate herself when she falls short; she knows failure is part of the process. She gets up. She shows up. She knows the effort is worth it.


She wants to have her priorities straight; take care of herself and her family while achieving her goals and living the life she always has envisioned.


Every Mother is a Strong Mother.


Sometimes, we lose sight of that woman.

Sometimes, we think she doesn't exist.

And sometimes, we just need a little extra support.


That's why I created The Strong Mother Group Coaching Program.


Join like-minded mothers in the journey to discover what matters most to you, learn to properly prioritize it, and start experiencing life in balance.

Happy Woman

These days, it seems more and more is being asked of Mothers; and we are very good at telling ourselves we don't have the strength to do it all. 


I hear from so many of you how there is already so much that we do! That you are exhausted and struggle to simply make it through the day.


For many of you it is overwhelming, stressful, and discouraging to hear more being asked of us. To those feeling particularly anxious and overwhelmed, may I offer this thought:


Perhaps God is not asking us to add more to our "To Do" lists,

but is instead asking us to change our lists. 


Discover how you can find peace no matter the circumstances around you, accomplish more daily, and feel better about your self by intentionally creating the life you've always envisioned.

Woman on Window Sill




It's a beautiful thought: "Perhaps God is not asking us to add more to our "To Do" lists, but is instead asking us to change our lists." The reality of trying to actually accomplish that is far more daunting. 


Enter The Strong Mother Program.


As a professional organizer, coach, woman of faith, and of course, a mother; I share with you in this special program the thoughts and tools that have helped me create a life of less overwhelm, and more joy and purpose in this special program all based in values from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


  • We'll talk about the fact that "perfect" isn't actually the goal, how we get sucked into thinking it is, and what to do about it all.

  • You'll learn why the problem isn't a lack of motivation, discipline, or even using the right system; and what you can easily do instead.

  • Along with the lies & ways the adversary uses the stuff around us to prevent us from living up to our potential & loving life. â€‹

  • Join me as I show you how to find balance and joy in your life no matter how overwhelmed, stressed, or "maxed out" you feel you are. 


Do you often feel overwhelmed trying to manage all the stuff in your home, and your many responsibilities, goals, and desires?

Do you feel like you try to get organized, have it last for a while, only for it to inevitably fall apart and stay that way until you eventually get sick of it, decide to try again, and vow that this time things will be different?

Do you feel like you are constantly met with resistance and defeat as you try to fulfill your desire to strengthen your home and family?

Do you want to build your relationships with your family and God, to enable you to better hear divine guidance to help direct your paths in life?

Are you ready to strengthen your relationships, make managing your house a side gig rather than take up your whole day, and live a life you truly love hand-in-hand with God, all without the guilt, without the stress, without the overwhelm? 


If you answered "Yes!", then...

This program is for YOU.

Happy Family



The Strong Mother Program

8 Week Group Coaching Program


  • 8 Weekly Topic Lessons

  • 8 Live Group Coaching Calls

  • Access to the (private) Facebook Group

  • Accountability Tracker & Digital Journal (with prompts)

  • Over 10 additional resources (how long to keep important papers, flowchart to help decide what to get rid of, list of donation/recycling services, and much, much more!)




  • Time Management Tips

  • Meal Prep Secrets

  • "What to Do When Your Family's Not on Board"


The Internal/External Connection

A Plan & A Purpose





4 Clutter Causes

S.T.A.R.T. Organizing


Read More

You are already the mother you wish you were.

You just need to discover her and bring her into your life.

It is my pleasure, and honor, to help mothers everywhere do exactly that.

Happy Friends Laughing

Apply for the Program

Strong Mothers are everywhere. 

You are one of them.


Don't miss the opportunity to step into the fullness of your divine role.


To give the best quality experience, there are a limited number of spots available for each program.


Complete an application and apply today while there is

still space available!



     Being a Professional Organizer, as well as a Coach, people often assume my home and life are pretty much perfect. I always laugh at this as I've spent much of my life in disarray, overwhelm, and chasing "perfect"; only to end up exhausted, guilt-ridden, and defeated. 


     Then one day, it was as if God gently tapped me on the shoulder, and whispered, "Balance". From that time on, I've sought it out, and discovered what I thought was "perfection" isn't actually our goal here in this mortal life. Learning how to be more intentional, and bringing more balance and purpose to our lives has much more meaning.


     One of my biggest turning points happened after the birth of my second son, which happened via emergency c-section, and resulted in me spending about a month in the hospital due to complications and then later a serious life threatening infection. Through it all, I knew I was going through that experience so that I could better connect with and help other women, I just hadn't realized how yet.


     It was that experience that helped me see how truly we are all Strong Mothers, and I started The Strong Mother Project. (Check it out here.)


     In addition, I've started The Strong Mother Coaching Program to help women of faith recognize that they are capable of changing their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual space by being intentional in what they think, feel, and do --- so they can spend less time stressed and overwhelmed, and more time living the life they've always envisioned.


Come join me, and experience the difference for yourself.

Mother and Child


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